Work with me

Individual Coaching

Release, Move, Perform: a coaching trajectory that helps you feel at home in your body, let go of chronic tensions, and boldly pursue your aims.

Through tailored support and strategies, you'll learn to trust your intuition, balance performance and play, and develop consistent momentum to explore new possibilities in all areas of your life.

Resilient Organisations

Nourish your team to achieve sustainable performance and deepen connection. Overcome the "always-on" mindset, low energy, and desk-job discomforts hindering resilience.

Through embodied practices like active recovery techniques, movement snacks and games your team will release tension, improve sleep, reconnect with boundaries, and nourish lasting change in your workplace.

Coaches Education

Rediscover your coaching passion by deepening your craft. Move past feeling stuck in a rut and lacking the tools to help clients overcome challenges.

Through somatic work, introspective techniques, and movement practices, you'll expand your coaching toolbox, refine your ability to identify blocks, and create a supportive environment that empowers your clients to achieve breakthroughs.

Next Steps?

Grab Free Tools

Try out games to get unstuck, change coffee breaks to movement snacks or deeply relax at home by downloading free tools here.

Join a Workshop

20% of my 1-on-1 clients start with a workshop. Workshops - from half a day to a full Reheat weekend are a great way to immerse in the whole menu. Join an upcoming workshop.

Get Coached by Me

100% of my 1-on-1 clients start with a call. Want to get Release, Move or Perform coaching (online or hybrid when based in Belgium)? Book your discovery call.