Effortless Change through The Allowing Breath

This exercise might give you an experience that helps you trust the inherent power and wisdom working in you that we call breathing 🌬️

In this exercise we will focus on
✔ entering the lying down practice by accepting where you are now
✔ exploring bodily sensations to step out of mental stories for a while
✔ receiving, witnessing and trusting your own breathing
✔ opening to surprise & unknown by not trying to control your body
✔ closing the practice and a way of integrating it in your daily life

Where to start?

Free Tools

Try out games to get unstuck, change coffee breaks to movement snacks or deeply relax at home by downloading free tools here.

Join a Workshop

Workshops - from half a day to a full Reheat weekend are a great way to immerse in the whole menu.
20% of my 1:1 clients start with a workshop.

Start with 1-on-1 Coaching

Rather go for the 1:1 tailored approach (100% online or hybrid when based in Belgium)? 100% of my individual clients first plan a discovery call.

What is it,
in you,
that wants to move?